Crash Barriers

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HySecurity HydraWedge

The highest crash-rating and negative penetration provides security in a road-integrated design.

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The highest crash-rating and negative penetration provides security in a road-integrated design.

Rating: Zero-penetration, crash-rated wedge barrier*

Reliable: Long-life, low-maintenance wedge with optional UPS backup providing hundreds of cycles after power loss.

Programmable: Customized, configurable settings for site specific requirements

Connected: Real time system security alerts with optional HyNet™ Gateway


Certified and rated HVM barrier arm secures vehicle access points against hostile intent. Proven HySecurity hydraulics and controls provide versatility and long life..

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Certified and rated HVM barrier arm secures vehicle access points against hostile intent. Proven HySecurity hydraulics and controls provide versatility and long life.

Rating: The power to stop a truck in its tracks, with approximately 1 meter of penetration*

No-Power: StrongArm M30 NP/M50 NP (No-power) models defend high security, low traffic, sites where power isn't required

Models: International certification (CE) models available

Speed: Open access points in as quick as six seconds, reducing traffic backups by minimizing gate open times


Crash-engineered dual barrier stops passenger vehicles traveling up to 30 mph. WedgeSmart DC is the perfect single solution for fleet protection and vehicle access control.

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Crash-engineered dual barrier stops passenger vehicles traveling up to 30 mph. WedgeSmart DC is the perfect single solution for fleet protection and vehicle access control.

Installation: Surface mounted for easy, quick installation
Visible: Integrated lighting for safety
Efficient: Independently operated barrier arm for high traffic periods
Reliable: Operate for up to 150 cycles after AC power loss with optional UPS backup

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